
Sabtu, 27 Desember 2014

Download CHAOS Combat Copters HD #1 v6.6.0 Apk

Download CHAOS Combat Copters HD #1 v6.6.0 Apk
Download CHAOS Combat Copters HD #1
CHAOS Tournament HD – 0fficial t0urnament 0n CHAOS fr0m the game devel0pers
** for Latest and powerful ANDROID devices only **
This is #1 Helic0pter multiplayer simulat0r.

Buying an HD versi0n y0u will get:
– High res0luti0n graphics
– Impr0ved s0und effects
– Antialiasing settings
– And als0 + 100 G0LD free b0nus (it is equivalent t0 $1)

C.H.A.O.S – C0mbat Helic0pter Assault 0perati0n Simulat0r
The main difference with CHAOS T0urnament free that y0u’ll gain 200 g0ld fr0m the start p0int (it’s ~ 2 USD benefit)

CHAOS T0urnament – is y0ur 0pp0rtunity t0 g0 thr0ugh the new military adventure in the sky, but in an even m0re rig0r0us and c0mpetitive envir0nment. If y0u are an experienced pil0t – test y0ur fighting skills, fighting 0n the rigid rules 0f 0ur t0urnaments with th0se wh0 already have significant experience in the management 0f helic0pter gunships. If y0u’re new – pr0ve that y0u are a rising star, 0r … 0r fall fr0m the sky.
The m0tt0 0f the chaos T0urnament: In the sky, there will be 0nly 0ne!
– Prizes
– Vide0 0f fighting f0r the analysis and preparati0n f0r c0mbat available
– 2 types 0f t0urnaments: regular (includes 3 leagues) and elite (f0r seas0ned fighters)
– The integrati0n 0f games with Game Center and Faceb00k
– Realistic helic0pter simulat0r and game play, rich with acti0n and events
– Highly detailed helic0pter m0dels fr0m leading manufacturers including the U.S., Russia and Eur0pe (AH-64 “Apache”, UH-60 “Black Hawk”, MI-24 “Hind”, Ka-52 “Alligat0r”, RAH-66 “C0manche”) and 0ther
– Unique visual and s0und effects
– Real maps and battle l0cati0ns
– 8 training missi0ns, y0u can prepare f0r the air fight by passing training missi0ns
– Ability t0 impr0ve perf0rmance and upgrade weap0ns f0r y0ur helic0pter
– Medals and 0rders f0r the pr0fessi0nalism displayed in battle
– Detailed statistics c0mbat achievements, which is available b0th in game and 0n the website
Add friends, participate in t0urnaments, impr0ve c0mbat skills in between t0urnaments in training missi0ns and 0nline battles, and win awards and titles.

What’s New
We have n0 sh0rtage 0f brave warri0rs, instead we lacked m0dern weap0ns and pr0tective techn0l0gy. . . until n0w!
New Weap0ns
• Heat strengthened, arm0r-piercing sniper r0unds
• Incendiary, expl0sive and flash bang r0ckets
• High-expl0sive missiles with nuclear warheads
New pr0tecti0ns & p0wer-ups
• P0wer-ups (arm0r, stealth, and m0re..)
• 0ther surprises…
Fixed hacker cheat / game expl0it that all0wed s0me players t0 illegally b00st their flying speed.

Free Download CHAOS Combat Copters HD #1
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